Is It Time For A Change In Your Strata Management?

Posted on: 30 April 2021

Strata management is an essential component in communal living spaces, and if you don't have good managers, then it can make life a living hell for those in the many affected residences. But how do you know that new management will be better? Well, there are some signs that indicate you have poor strata management that could be fixed with a change of owners, and this is something that you might want to bring up at the next owners meeting. If you feel like a lot of these poor features sound like everyday life, then it is time for a fresh administration as soon as possible.

Hard To Get In Contact With Management

Since strata management essentially works for you and your fellow owners, it is vital that you have an easy contact number that you can call and get straight through to a person with decision-making capabilities. The last thing you want is to be constantly given the run-around by strata management either because they are too busy or too understaffed. Strata management should care for their customers and show this by providing contacts that work when you need them to, not when it is convenient for them. There are many strata management companies that are excellent at this, so if yours isn't, it might be time to move.

Settling Disputes

Another big reason why strata managements are so popular is that they are seen as an unbiased mediator between different owners. This should, in theory, lower the chances of disputes. If wars between tenants are erupting and you can't see anyone doing something about it from management, then you have to wonder what they really are doing. Most strata management companies are exceptionally good at balancing interpersonal relationships between tenants and finding a common ground in short order.

Derelict Common Spaces

Strata management companies are not responsible for the cleanliness of your specific quarters, but they are responsible for hallways, elevators, common spaces (gyms, small parks, the lobby, etc.) and you should expect these places to have a certain cleanliness to them. If they are constantly muddy or have clearly not been looked after or maintained in some weeks then you should document this and bring it up at your next owners meeting. If it is not addressed immediately by your strata management, that is a big red flag and a sign to perhaps find a company that values you. 

If you want to find a new company, contact strata management companies in your area to learn more.
